記事: 作曲家 山谷知明
「Why listen to music」
Thank you for visiting. This is Tomoaki Yamaya.
The composer can work because there are people who listen to the music. My job wouldn't be possible without someone to listen to me. When making music, I can't help but think about "why people listen to music" in order to imagine the people who listen to it and to meet the expectations of the moment when the play button is pressed. ..
Why listen to music? I wonder why. When I personally remember when I listen to music, I'm not conscious of "OK, I'm going to listen to music now", but somehow, my feelings are seeking music, and the player's It's like pressing the play button. This is similar to appetite or sleep, and it feels like your heart is unconsciously seeking music. I am not particularly conscious of taking action.
Thinking about the state of mind when a person wants music, it reminds me of the communication between the mother and the baby. What would a mom do when her baby is crying? She sings lullabies and slaps her ass while hugging her baby. When the mom sees the baby crying, she naturally sings out of her mouth. She also tries to comfort her baby's heart by letting her feel the rhythm by tapping her baby's ass. Why. That's because they instinctively know that babies are "relieved" by singing and rhythming. "Relief" is a very important keyword.
Reassurance means relaxation and relaxation, but if you look up the word relaxation in a dictionary, it means that your body and mind are free from stress, rest, rest, and distraction. Also, it is said that it is a means and a way to enter such a relaxed state. Why listen to music? I think I listen to music for peace of mind.
What would happen to music if humans disappeared from this earth? I think the music will disappear at the same time. It is often called "wind singing voice" or "wave tune", but that is just a poetic expression of the sound of the natural world, and in reality, when humans disappear, the music disappears at the same time. It will be a world where only sound exists. In other words, music is inseparable from humans. I think that one of the actions that one person wants to reassure another person is the creation and performance of music.
Article: Tomoaki Yamaya / Composer
