追伸: 自分がもう一人いたなら、このような時にポートレートを1枚撮って欲しいと、いつも思います。
※注1: 「中年の危機」と「性格を変える」ことは別問題です。僕の人生のタイミングとしてこの2つが重なっていました。
記事 : Photographer MAL / 丸本祐佐
【Improve your character】
It is difficult to change the inborn nature of a person's personality, but it is possible to change the acquired nature that is formed during the process of growth and in society.
Since 2007, when I started studying clinical psychology, I have also spent several years trying to change the juvenile part of myself in a positive direction, little by little.
As a starting point, at that time I was just beginning my mid-life crisis, and I had some spectacular experiences that I never imagined I would have to go through after that. Although the work of facing myself in real life and changing myself as a practice was painful, I still feel that there was no better way to learn and put the skills of clinical psychology into my body. I still feel that there was no better way to learn the skills of clinical psychology and put them into my body.
In hindsight, the worst period of my life was when I suffered unimaginable loss, depression, panic, and obsessive-compulsive disorder caused by certain actions (choices) I made.
It is a feeling of "dying while living".
If the mind dies, the body cannot function properly.
If I had not studied psychology, I would not have been able to grasp the situation.
However, with the awareness that I am a student of clinical psychology, I took action while properly dealing with each of the seeming daily obstacles and recovered on my own through a series of small successes without going to a medical clinic or taking any medication.
(I was very grateful to the ambulance and the hospital for all their help with my physical abnormalities, but the reason I did not go to a psychiatrist was that at the time, prescribing medications was a problem.)
After all, I strongly feel through this experience that actions based on resilience can heal me, restore me, give me courage, and enable me to face challenges.
I have overcome such a difficult time and have changed my personality in a positive direction over the years, but recently, I often feel that I have returned to my old self a little.
If I had to quantify it, I would say that I may have reverted to about 30% of my old self.
The easiest way to judge this, in my opinion, is the "words" I use in my daily life and the "must/need to" that I currently have.
As a student of psychology, I don't think it's good to judge things in terms of "right and wrong" either.
Another reason is that I have been watching the news lately, even though I know it irritates me.
Because, there are many negative strokes in the news.
The important thing here is still to be "aware".
Even if you have spent several years making positive changes in your personality, if you stop your daily "awareness," you will revert back to the way you were before.
It is the same as muscle training or dieting.
If you stop being "conscious" and neglect continuity and effort, your body will revert back to the way it was.
This is the main topic I wanted to write about today.
Let me start with a few of the small daily efforts I was making at the time, starting here and now.
(1) Be conscious of making the "words" I use in my daily life positive.
(2) To eliminate "must/need to" that I have at the moment.
(3) Don't judge things by "right and wrong
(4) Don't watch the news.
For the time being, I will be "conscious" of these four items while working hard at work and in my private life to regain the 30% that I lost.
People can change at any time, regardless of age.
P.S.:If I were another person, I would always want one of my portraits to be taken at a time like this.
*Note 1: Having a "mid-life crisis" and "changing one's personality" are two separate issues. The two coincided as the timing of my life.
Article : Photographer MAL / Yusuke Marumoto
