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心が欲しがっているものとは / 学校でも社会でも教えてくれない大切なこと











② 挨拶

③ 雑談・世間話 ・井戸端会議

④ ビジネス・職場

⑤ ゲーム(←心理学用語)

⑥ 恋人や家族間など親しい間柄









記事 : Photographer MAL / 丸本祐佐

What does the heart want? / What is important that is not taught in school or society

The human mind cannot live without "strokes".

The definition of stroke, also called presence perception, is

I know that you are there."

Strokes are all interactions between people, both verbal and non-verbal, and can be broadly divided into positive and negative strokes.

In particular, positive strokes tend to move a person's mind in a healthy and positive direction, while a situation in which a person does not get positive strokes and has many negative strokes tends to move a person's mind in a negative and unhealthy direction.

Basically, positive strokes can only be obtained through positive strokes, but it is not uncommon for people in situations where they are not getting positive strokes to engage in the "if I can't get a positive one, give me a negative one" behavior, or to have this as a habit.

Because, as I mentioned at the beginning, the human mind cannot live without strokes.

What kind of strokes a person performs has a lot to do with his or her childhood, growing up, or the situation he or she is in now.

The situations in which strokes are performed can be divided into the following categories in daily life.

(1) Being in a place where one's presence is known, but there is no conscious interaction

(ii) Greetings

(iii) Chit-chat, small talk ・Well-being

(iv) Business, workplace

5) Games (←psychological term)

(vi) Close relationships such as between lovers or family members

We will provide individual explanations when we have a chance.

As you can see, our lives revolve around strokes, and although they are so important that we cannot live without them, no one can teach us about them unless we wish or choose to learn them ourselves.

However, if you learn about strokes, you will know what kind of strokes you want and what kind of strokes you lack, and you will be able to look at and review your interpersonal environment and friendships, including your own, objectively.

Communication between family members can also be viewed objectively.

To take an example from the daily news, getting involved with people for needless complaints, or getting into nightclubs where you pour large sums of money, etc., can be reduced or improved by knowing, facing, and resolving the strokes you are missing.

And as a suggestion for our aging society.

It is necessary to think about where to secure the exchange of strokes, which becomes less and less easy as people get older, and if possible, to cooperate with others to create a place where they can exchange strokes.

Based on my own learning and experience, I strongly feel that many people's lives will be happier if they learn to know and study the most important strokes for a healthy life.

Article: Photographer MAL / YUSUKE Marumoto


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